GRC_001_Adoptable OPRA Request Form

Adoptable OPRA Request Form


Pursuant to N.J.S.A. 47:1A-5(f) (effective September 3, 2024), "[t]he custodian of a public agency shall adopt the form established by the Government Records Council pursuant to subsection b. of section 8 of P.L.2001, c.404 (C.47:1A-7), for the use of any person who requests access to a government record held or controlled by the public agency." (Emphasis added). Based on this, the GRC is providing agencies this service to easily adopt the most current version of its established OPRA Request Form.


The GRC notes that OPRA also requires that agencies utilizing an electronic record request form "shall provide directions on how to submit requests for government records, including any required forms, on the public agency’s website." Id. Custodians should also consider incorporating new elements of the established OPRA Request Form, specifically the new requestor questions (commercial and litigation), into their online request forms.

Agency Information

In order to adopt the established OPRA Request Form, custodians are required to include all available appropriate contact information. This will ensure that requestors are able to directly submit their requests and communicate with the custodian where necessary. Please note that if an agency possess an OPRA-specific e-mail address (i.e., that address will  be acceptable to place on the form.  

The GRC notes that generic placeholder logos are included on the version of the form that will be e-mailed to you. However, agencies are permitted to include their own agency-specific logos on the adopted form if capable.